"kekasih pilihan Allah akan dihadiahi dugaan hebat tanda kasihNya, jalanNya dihias dengan duri-duri luka, tidak dibiarkan lena dalam nikmat yang melimpah, tapi dihidangkan keperitan susah payah yang tiada sudah..namun, bukankah telah dijanjikannya dalam kalamNya yang mulia, setiap kesusahan pasti ada kemudahan..Setiap kesusahan pasti ada kemudahan.."
Anak2 mummy sayang
Thursday, December 11, 2008
wedding preparation..
hmm..nothing..just nak bebel sket j..but i ve no mood today to publish anything today..semalam g nilai 3..survey kain for wed recep..haaa sedey..abg main2 yer..huh xnak da ajak abg=(..kiter punyer series die main2 jer..but pas tu im happy..bcoz of wut???abg tau sendiri kan..=)..hmmm tx for yesterday..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Engineers are the best boyfriends...agree? =)
Don't u guys think so? haha
Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and
Get married and buy a house too. Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in law firm. Most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan. The arts graduate is still looking for a job. And the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital.
Hmm..xbermakne gurls materialistik just a kindda security=)
Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate anunimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers strain really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep you happy (e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear. Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you. The Management graduate who will try to control your spending, The Arts graduate who will 'change major'. And the medical school graduate who will operate on you. And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineers believe that you are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their project and they will be hooked to you forever.
Hmm..betul ni=)
Advantage 3:
An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust. Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - The lawyers will lie about everything. Management graduates will cheat your money. The arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate. Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you.
Hmm..ni pun betul..
Proud to ve an engineer guy=)
Advantage 1: Secure lifestyle
An engineer boyfriend can provide you with a secure lifestyle. At 27 years old, an engineer probably has a respectable, stable job that gives him a high income to own a car, invest, have a comfortable life, and
Get married and buy a house too. Law graduates are still working as a lowly apprentice in law firm. Most management graduates have just failed on their first business plan. The arts graduate is still looking for a job. And the medical school graduate is still living in a hospital.
Hmm..xbermakne gurls materialistik just a kindda security=)
Advantage 2: Unmatchable industriousness
An engineer boyfriend will dedicate anunimaginable amount of his time and effort to understand you. Engineers strain really really hard to understand their work. You can believe that they will try really really hard to understand women too, just like how they understand their work, once they believe that you are the one. So even if they don't understand you initially, they will keep on trying. Even if they still do not understand, they will figure out the correct method to keep you happy (e.g. buy diamond ring = 1 week's worth of happiness.) And once they find out the secret formula, they will just keep on repeating it so that the desired results appear. Unlike the Lawyer who will argue with you. The Management graduate who will try to control your spending, The Arts graduate who will 'change major'. And the medical school graduate who will operate on you. And you know what, it's really so easy to make engineers believe that you are the 'one'. Say that you like one of their project and they will be hooked to you forever.
Hmm..betul ni=)
Advantage 3:
An engineer boyfriend will never betray your trust. Let me first tell you what is wrong with the rest of the others - The lawyers will lie about everything. Management graduates will cheat your money. The arts graduate will flirt, and you probably just look like another cadaver to the medical school graduate. Your engineer boyfriend is either too busy to have an affair, and even if he does, he is too dumb to lie to you about that. Hence, an engineer is the most secure boyfriend that you will ever find - rich enough, will keep on trying to understand and please you, has no time for affairs, and too dumb to lie to you.
Hmm..ni pun betul..
Proud to ve an engineer guy=)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
a paintful morning..
bgn pagi slt subuh tgk jam still early..6.30..cam nak tdo blk j..tetibe skt perut yg amat sgt..faizin plak dlm toilet..menjerit2 kat luar..aaa dlm kul 7 br dpt masuk..huhu kotor jer..semalam msk aym grg kunyit..sedap je mratah dgn ina..ltak ciliapi byk2..pedas..sedap..tp bgn pg j skt perut gile..=)tu je pun nak story..hehe nak g breakfast..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pagi tadi bgn subuh kul 6.30..bgn2 jer rase ksg sgt..xtau knape..tp aku asyik teringatkan pasal semalam..aku rase mcm aku kejam sgt..knapela aku ckp mcm tu..kalau abg xigtkan aku semalam mgkn aku pun x sedar..aku rase berdose sgt..knapela aku jd hambu Mu yg selalu sgt merungut x bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt..sblm tdo semalam aku igt blk..selame ni ape yg aku nak semuanyer aku dpt..aku ade mak ayah yg sygkan aku..aku blajr smp master skrg smbl keje..walaupun mmg ssh tp da 2 sem aku dpt lalui semue ni..aku dpt abg yg aku rasekan bende plg indah aku dpt dlm hdp aku..mama abg pulak mmg layn baik sgt dgn aku..ape yg aku dpt skrg mmg ssh org lain nk dpt..tp aku still lg x bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt..Ya Allah..ampun dose aku..tanpe rahmat dank ash sygMu hdp aku xkan pernah lengkap..aku rase ksg mcm skrg..saje jer luahkan semue ni..skrg br rase ok blk..skrg aku dah x ksah..aku tgg2 result LKW..aku jd xsbr..aku jd tension..tp kenapela aku nk rase mcm tu..pttnyer aku sbr jer..lgpn skrg aku da pun ade keje..bkn menganggur..pttnyer aku ikhlas dgn ape yg aku buat..kalau xde rezeki dgn LKW pun aku redha jer..cume aku hrp aku sentiase dikuatkan hati..sentiase bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt…utk abg…tx a lot syg…abg da sdrkan ana…ana mintak maaf sgt sbb slalu mcm ni..ana hrp abg sentiase diblakang ana..i love u soo much..
Pagi tadi bgn subuh kul 6.30..bgn2 jer rase ksg sgt..xtau knape..tp aku asyik teringatkan pasal semalam..aku rase mcm aku kejam sgt..knapela aku ckp mcm tu..kalau abg xigtkan aku semalam mgkn aku pun x sedar..aku rase berdose sgt..knapela aku jd hambu Mu yg selalu sgt merungut x bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt..sblm tdo semalam aku igt blk..selame ni ape yg aku nak semuanyer aku dpt..aku ade mak ayah yg sygkan aku..aku blajr smp master skrg smbl keje..walaupun mmg ssh tp da 2 sem aku dpt lalui semue ni..aku dpt abg yg aku rasekan bende plg indah aku dpt dlm hdp aku..mama abg pulak mmg layn baik sgt dgn aku..ape yg aku dpt skrg mmg ssh org lain nk dpt..tp aku still lg x bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt..Ya Allah..ampun dose aku..tanpe rahmat dank ash sygMu hdp aku xkan pernah lengkap..aku rase ksg mcm skrg..saje jer luahkan semue ni..skrg br rase ok blk..skrg aku dah x ksah..aku tgg2 result LKW..aku jd xsbr..aku jd tension..tp kenapela aku nk rase mcm tu..pttnyer aku sbr jer..lgpn skrg aku da pun ade keje..bkn menganggur..pttnyer aku ikhlas dgn ape yg aku buat..kalau xde rezeki dgn LKW pun aku redha jer..cume aku hrp aku sentiase dikuatkan hati..sentiase bersyukur dgn ape yg aku dpt…utk abg…tx a lot syg…abg da sdrkan ana…ana mintak maaf sgt sbb slalu mcm ni..ana hrp abg sentiase diblakang ana..i love u soo much..
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
lecturers' activities =)
uhuuuu..last monday was a very exhausted day for me n my frenz..pntnyer convocation twintech...jd usherrer..pnt jgk..ni ade gmbr time konvo ari tu..
gadis melayu..;)
xsbr2 nak bersanding bdk nih..
me in front dewan perdana felda..
hmm itu jer..br blk dr amik gmbr kat dpn twintech tadi..akrg doa2 utk LKW..semoga Allah kabulkan doaku..ameen..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
huh...i hate waiting..why am I so impatience on somethg dat i Want..I hate waiting LKW result...I want to go there very much..But I ve to be patience ...But I dont want to wait anymore...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bersediakah Aku???
“Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
Kau ampunilah dosa ku yg telah ku perbuat
Kau limpahkanlah aku dengan kesabaran yg tiada terbatas
Kau berikanlah aku kekuatan mental dan fizikal
Kau kurniakanlah aku dengan sifat keredhaan
Kau peliharalah lidahku dari kata-kata nista
Kau kuatkanlah semangatku menempuhi segala cabaranMu
Kau berikanlah aku sifat kasih sesama insan
Ya Allah
Ya Allah
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah pilihan Mu diArash
Berilah aku kekuatan dan keyakinan untuk terus bersamanya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah suami yg akan membimbing tanganku dititianMu
Kurniakanlah aku sifat kasih dan redha atas segala perbuatannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah bidadara untuk ku di JannahMu
Limpahkanlah aku dengan sifat tunduk dan tawaduk akan segala perintahnya
Sekiranya suami ku ini adalah yang terbaik untukku di DuniaMu
Peliharalah tingkah laku serta kata-kataku dari menyakiti perasaannya
Sekiranya suami ku ini jodoh yang dirahmati olehMu
Berilah aku kesabaran untuk menghadapi segala kerenah dan ragamnya
Tetapi Ya Allah
Tetapi Ya Allah
Sekiranya suami ku ini ditakdirkan bukan untuk diriku seorang
Kau tunjukkanlan aku jalan yg terbaik untuk aku harungi segala dugaanMu
Sekiranya suami ku tergoda dengan keindahan duniaMu
Limpahkanlah aku kesabaran untuk terus membimbingnya
Sekiranya suamiku tunduk terhadap nafsu yang melalaikan
Kurniakanlah aku kekuatanMu untuk aku memperbetulkan keadaannya
Sekiranya suami ku menyintai kesesatan
Kau pandulah aku untuk menarik dirinya keluar dari terus terlena
Ya Allah
Ya Allah
Kau yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untukku
Kau juga yang Maha Mengampuni segala kesilapan dan keterlanjuranku
Sekiranya aku tersilap berbuat keputusan
Bimbinglah aku ke jalan yang Engkau redhai
Sekiranya aku lalai dalam tanggungjawabku sebagai isteri
Kau hukumlah aku didunia tetapi bukan diakhiratMu
Sekiranya aku engkar dan derhaka
Berikanlah aku petunjuk kearah rahmatMu
Ya Allah sesungguhnya
Ya Allah sesungguhnya
Aku lemah tanpa petunjukMu
Aku buta tanpa bimbinganMu
Aku cacat tanpa hidayahMu
Aku hina tanpa RahmatMu
Ya Allah
Ya Allah
Kuatkan hati dan semangatku
Tabahkan aku menghadapi segala cubaanMu
Jadikanlah aku isteri yang disenangi suami
Bukakanlah hatiku untuk menghayati agamaMu
Bimbinglah aku menjadi isteri Solehah
Hanya padaMu Ya Allah ku pohon segala harapan
Kerana aku pasrah dengan dugaanMu
Kerana aku sedar hinanya aku
Kerana aku insan lemah yg kerap keliru
Kerana aku leka dengan keindahan duniamu
Kerana kurang kesabaran ku menghadapi cabaranMu
Kerana pendek akal ku mengharungi ujianMu
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku…
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku…
Aku hanya ingin menjadi isteri yang dirahmati
Isteri yang dikasihi
Isteri yang solehah
Isteri yang sentiasa dihati
Amin, amin Ya Rabbal Allamin..”
Amin, amin Ya Rabbal Allamin..”
Sunday, November 16, 2008
d most romantic weekend...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
the beauty of forgiveness..
hmm just wanna share bout my new life at twintech..01 July 08..at first feel dis place as a hell but after 4 month here..everythng's change..d word of 'ad hikmah dsebalik ape yg berlaku' teach me on how important for us to forgive on one another..dis id the beauty of forgiveness..after Allah bersame org2 yg sbr..akhirnye..from feeling dis place like a hell now i start to love being here...n for sure..org yg plg byk ajar aku utk byk bersbr byk bersyukur dgn ape yg berlaku..tentula tng tersyg ku..tx abg..u alwez support me..i love u soo much..lg 2 hr=)

Monday, October 27, 2008
sometimes we feel lonely..
huh...pg2 lagi da mangarut2..ikut perasaan lagi..xde sape kat ops..ina n kak ain ade class pg2 ni..aku lak ptg br ade class..bile mcm ni br trse sunyi..rase nak ngs plak..ermm aku mmg suke ikut perasaan..bile nk berubah ni..abg pulak x reply msg pun..mst on d way k opis..hmm...ape aku nk buat ni..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
d' latest...
hmmm...just wanna share the latest activities i had...last week..my frenz n I..mc lar, ina..we went to Marhana's ouz..erm..d akad nikah is on Friday morng..but we been there on Saturday..so xnyempat tgk gmb ana pki bj nikah=(..ape apepun..happy tgk Marhana happy..gmbr2 yg smpt
di snap..

suke sgt bunge ni..nnt nak gubah mcm ni..=)
dgn ina..pengapitku=)
di atas pelamin marhana..suke betul decoration plamin ni..nice sgt..
di snap..
ditepi swimming pool..posing maut..=)
suke sgt bunge ni..nnt nak gubah mcm ni..=)
di atas pelamin marhana..suke betul decoration plamin ni..nice sgt..
Monday, October 20, 2008
an advance burfday present..
For my love..
You're a song
Written by the hands of God
Don't get me wrong
'Cause this might sound
To you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts
Go hidingAnd right
under your clothes
Is where I find them
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's my territory
And all the thingsI deserve
For being such
A good girl honey
'Cause of you
I forgot theSmart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of
Reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong
To each other
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things
I deserve
For being such
A good girl honey
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the thingsI deserve
For being such a... ahhh
I love you more than all
That's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathin'
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the ceiling
Like a lady tied to her manners
I'm tied up to this feeling
Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the thingsI deserve
For being suchA good girl honey
Underneath your clothes
Wah-oh oh oh oh
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the thingsI deserve
For being such
A good girl
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Syukur Alhamdullilah..
Hmm..Monday...hate monday jgk..erm ysterday was my fiancee open ouz..be there from 10 am till 9pm..exhausted but satisfied=)..pnt tp excited..dpt tlg mama die n fmily die..xrase sgt pntnyer..dpt kenal kwn2 ofis abg..sumer baik2..dpt kenal saha pakwe pak ber..aku ni suke berkawan jgk..rase happy tgk sumer org gembire..dpt main dgn mau mau yg comel..tp beratnyer die...hmmm xsbr nk msk fmly abg yg baik n sporting sgt...love u syg..k la nk marking test students...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
menjadi insan yg sempurna..
erm title diatas mcm series plak..hee actually hr isnin as usual the 'laziest' day yg plg aku rase..not much work to do..i ve to finish the assgnment ques coz tomorrow d asgmt must be release to stud..hah sggh x sangke skrg da jd lect..kalo ikut aku,aku bknla seorg lec yg strict sgt..ketidak strickan aku nila kdg2 buat studets naik myk j..bdk2 ni mmg la..or maybe umur aku yg msh 24 ni buat aku ngn students leh ngm lebey..yela sme2 mude..kalo igt blk time blajar dulu pun aku bknla bdk2 skema yg rjn blaja sgt..kalo xpercye tgk gmb dbwh...
Hee gmb ni ina amik waktu class fin math ngn mdm kesukaanku..mdm mimi..aku main2 camni pun aku score A tau class ni..aku try to be mcm mdm ni time ngajar..xseries sgt..xsuke mrh...sporting dgn students..ha yg bwh ni gmb ngn 3 org kwn baik aku kat kuantan..bdn2 ni la yg snap gmb diatas..
erm gmb kat sebelah ni..nilah aktiviti yg aku slalu buat kat kuantan..men bowling.1st time men bowling ngn abg kat plaza angsana ek abg?hee x hingat kat johor..waktu tu aku kalah truk dgn tunang aku..tp gmb disebelah ni gmb juare nih..aku mng time men ngn kwn2 kat megamall kuantan..yg sebelah aku tgh tension tu marhana..hehe die naib juare..
hmm..berbalk kepade title kat atas..aku sbnrnyer bkn seorg yg baik sgt..tp aku selalu berdoa semoge aku sentiase tergolong dlm org2 yg baik..aku tau aku byk sgt buat slh silap yg kdg2 aku x sdr langsung..kalau boleh aku nk satu mase nnt aku jd seorg yg dpt terime ape j yg Allah berikan utk aku..aku mmg sensitive sgt dgn hal2 yg berkaitan org yg aku syg..kalau bole aku nak org yg syg aku sentise syg take care aku slame2nyer..even dgn makayah pun..aku ni manje sgt smp kalao blk kedah mesti ade time mrjuk aku tu..adela time yg aku mrjuk msk bilik xkuar2..same mcm dgn abg..aku ni mmg jenis yg kaki jeles..except dgn mama die..bg aku aku cume nk die syg aku dan mama lbh dr org lain..mcm mane yg die kate..aku dan mama die 2 perempuan penting dlm hdup die..sbb tu kdg2 ade hal2 lain yg sememangnyer xrasional tp hati aku cpt sgt sensitive..aku kalau bole xnk ade org lain yg ksh syg perhatian mcm mane yg die bg utk aku dan jgk mama die..tp alhamdulillah setakat ni aku xpernah buat die jauh dr mama die..aku kalau boleh xnk jd isteri yg boleh buat suami aku jauh dr mama die sendiri..lgpun mama die lyn aku mcm ank sendr malah lebih dr tue..hmm thn dpn kawen..hrp2 aku x lupe pd ape yg ptt aku jadi..utk menjadi insan yg baik utk mencr keredhaan-Nya dunia dan akhirat..walaupun aku x sempurne mane pun..tp aku bersyukur dengan ape yg aku ade skrg...semoge aku xpernah lupe pada-Nya..semoga cinta-Nya sentiase berada lbih dr segalenyer...
.jpg)
ini gamb plak aku yg amik..slumber j bebudak ni..dlm class duk depan skali tp leh laks duk amik2 gmb..ape2pun i miss d moment we tgether kat kuantan..kat kuantan trase rpt sgt dgn kwn2 coz aku jrg kuar dating..abg kat johor jauh sgt..tp ade gak insiden satu tu..wktu memula msk kuantan..tetibe dpt ct smnggu..so blk kl..jumpe abg..tp time nk blk kuantan die anta aku smp kuantan..yg xrasionalnyer..da die anta time nk blk aku tetibe j sedey semacam..xde sesape kat kuantan coz time tu sabtu..dgn x pk duit abg yg byk abis hr tu..aku pun buat muke kecyan..abg yg sememmangnyer x suke tgk aku sedey trus ajk aku blk kl balik..ha kalo pk blk mcm ape j..aku ni bile la nk besar=p..so esoknyer nsb baik dpt tmpg syida yg drive kete sendiri dr kl..waktu kat kuantan la aku blajar lepak2 kat kdai mamak=p smp satu mase pernah kene thn dgn guard uia..tp ktrg just g minum mkn2 j xde join laki tgk bola ek..

erm gmb kat bwh ina aku mcros mclar n muni..time ni g sek ape tah kat kuantan..wat questionairres tuk eop project..best la hr ni..pnat tp best sgt..siap kene mrh ngn cikgu ape tah wktu tu..huish gram sungguh..
erm yg sebelah ni waktu g berkelah kat air terjun sg pandan aka panching...erm best ni g 2 kete..ni waktu memula smp..sumer2 ni blm mandi pg lag nih..waktu ni around 8.30 kut..plg slumber skali mcros yang berdiri kanan skali tu..siap pakai bj tdo lg hehe bebudak uia ni...aku kat dlm suar mandi tp srg gak jeans kat luar..perit gak nk salin bj ni..marhana siap tkr pakai tikar lagi..nk lindung bdn kan..hmmm hancur jer kalau owang nampak..ape2pun rindu sgt waktu ni..blajar renang ngn imah smp pekak telinge msk air...sume tak tau swin except marhana ngn imah... 

Hmm yg sebelah ni plak wktu reramai g picnik at teluk chempedak..aku yg sememangnye sensitive dgn air laut kunun2nyer la xnk mandi laut..tgk la gmb tu at last aku terjun dlm laut pakai jeans tue..xthn tgk bebudak ni main2 dlm air tue..blk j mlm tu kulit terus mengelupas yg plg teruk antre yg lain..skt mulut aku nk bkk..pdn muke aku..akibat melanggar arahan bpkku yg tak bg mandi laut..hmmmm blk tu dah bsh suar terpakse pnjm kain batik imah..heee gamble j aku blk uia pakai kain batik..meh nak tunjuk gambar kat bawah..wish mcm fotopages da blog aku nih..

hmm..berbalk kepade title kat atas..aku sbnrnyer bkn seorg yg baik sgt..tp aku selalu berdoa semoge aku sentiase tergolong dlm org2 yg baik..aku tau aku byk sgt buat slh silap yg kdg2 aku x sdr langsung..kalau boleh aku nk satu mase nnt aku jd seorg yg dpt terime ape j yg Allah berikan utk aku..aku mmg sensitive sgt dgn hal2 yg berkaitan org yg aku syg..kalau bole aku nak org yg syg aku sentise syg take care aku slame2nyer..even dgn makayah pun..aku ni manje sgt smp kalao blk kedah mesti ade time mrjuk aku tu..adela time yg aku mrjuk msk bilik xkuar2..same mcm dgn abg..aku ni mmg jenis yg kaki jeles..except dgn mama die..bg aku aku cume nk die syg aku dan mama lbh dr org lain..mcm mane yg die kate..aku dan mama die 2 perempuan penting dlm hdup die..sbb tu kdg2 ade hal2 lain yg sememangnyer xrasional tp hati aku cpt sgt sensitive..aku kalau bole xnk ade org lain yg ksh syg perhatian mcm mane yg die bg utk aku dan jgk mama die..tp alhamdulillah setakat ni aku xpernah buat die jauh dr mama die..aku kalau boleh xnk jd isteri yg boleh buat suami aku jauh dr mama die sendiri..lgpun mama die lyn aku mcm ank sendr malah lebih dr tue..hmm thn dpn kawen..hrp2 aku x lupe pd ape yg ptt aku jadi..utk menjadi insan yg baik utk mencr keredhaan-Nya dunia dan akhirat..walaupun aku x sempurne mane pun..tp aku bersyukur dengan ape yg aku ade skrg...semoge aku xpernah lupe pada-Nya..semoga cinta-Nya sentiase berada lbih dr segalenyer...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Secret of Loving Relationship...=)
hmmm...don know what to write..the title above is just a recent article that i read frm internet..i dont wanna anything bout that..yet i ve no mood to write anything..=)..erm too lazy after Hari Raya vacation..after 2 weeks vacation..i dun ve any strength to go to my master class..arghhh cant wait 10 nov...finish 2nd sem...abg...ana xde smgt ni...cant wait 31 oct too=) hmmmm abg i want ******* from ***** ****...guess what???????
*picture taken on 1st raya..solat sunat hr raya aidilfitri..with my niece nurin..
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Salam Aidilfitri...
ermmm....after 1 week raya im back for work..arrvg at ofis 8.15..hehe lmbt ari ni..ermmm open laptop..frenster reply all frenz's testi...byk lak tu..penat..tp utk kwn...xpela kn...citer psl rayer..im not going to say it as d best raya i ever had..bkn xbest tp xle lwn best rayer time kecik2=p...erm thn ni abis duit utk duit raye la..tp xpe sedekah...nk ltk gmb raye tp blm transfer...jap g nk g servis kete n breakfast..ktrg xdela coffee maker mcm saytam tue..kte make coffee sendri =) actually i dont ve any idea nk tls pape..k la see next time..bvubbye..salam..
Monday, September 22, 2008
im happy too...=)
erm...he loves it..tekaan yg betul sebenarnyer..saje j xnk gtau...hmmm esok blk kmpg...best giler aku...lecturer mcm ni la asl nk cuti cancel class..hehe bkn sengaje...da tket xde=)k slamat hr raye maaf zahir batin sumer...oppssss awal sgt pulak...hmmmmm
Sunday, September 21, 2008
happy burfday syg...
erm today, 22nd sept...my fiancee burfdY..erm syg da 24 thn da..cepat betul mase berlalu..tup2 da 6 thn kiter couple...even 6thn tp still bhg smp skrg..semoga Allah sentiase merestui cinte ini...kiter bhg smp akhir hyt..cerite kite mcm drama kn..kalo dulu form 5 @ KISAS i hate u soooo much...tp tah la..x sangke pulak org yg penah ana benci gaduh ni org tu yg plg dsyg2 skrg=)pelik kn..tula sebb org tua2 kate jgn benci org kuat sgt nnt suke pulak..tp Alhmdulillh...xpernah menyesal bercinte dgn abg..sepanjg 6thn ni xpernah abg xpernah buat somethg yg betul2 lukekan ht ana..yg sket2 mrjuk tu ngade2 j lebey..tp yg ana igt....sepnjg 6thn ni byk sgt yg abg da buat utk ana...hmmmm duit, mase, sglnyer...abg xpernah merungut sket pun..ape yg ana x suke tuela yg abg benci..pntg ade sape2 yg sktkn ht ana,org tula yg abg x suke..tp dlm mse yg sme abg mst nshtkan ana mcm2...dr awal lg kat matrik first result pun abg yg coolkn..2.8 jer maklumlah br msk uni...xpnd seswaikan dr...abg sntse bg galakan smpla ana dpt 3 kali deans lists=)tx syg...dan smp skrg master yg ana smp rase nk giveup tu last2 tgg jgk resultnyer..Alhamdulillah..hmmm...xsangke dr reunion batch kiter yg first kiter couple..1 sept 02..smp skrg..cepatnyer mase berlalu..skrg da 4bln ana jd tng abg...smp skrg jgkla lynn abg tue utk ana full class lg...erm syg abg...walaupun ana slalu kecikkn ht abg..tp abg xpernh sikit pun tgg kn suare mrh kan. ana...ana mtk maaf syg..kalo slame ni byk slh ana kat abg...ermmmtibe2 sentimental sedey pulak..tp hakikatnyer inila yg ana rase..to have u in my life...my life is perfect syg...semoge jdh kiter berpnjgn...xde lelaki lain yg dpt gnt tmpt abg d ht ana...thn depan lepas buln 6..lpas tgg piki blk dr msia,kite kawen..i promise u with all my heart,ana akn jd isteri yg solehah utk abg..erm xpercaye k...hehe doa yg hrp dmakbulkan..semoge kiter bhg selamenyer..kalo nk crite psl kiter mmg x hbs...ermmkalo abg bce ni ana hrp abg tersenyum d pg burfday abg ni..ptg nnt kiter jumpe..celebrate kali ni smbl berbuke=)k syg..love u wt all my heart.....i cnt live without u by my side syg...semoge cinte yg drestui mak,mama, ayh ni sentias drestui Allah dn jdh kite berpnjgn...amin....
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
im sick...
erm...semalam b4 tdo kumur ngn listerin pastu terkene tekak sikit..bn tdo td rase skt sgt tekak..bdn pun sengal2 mcm demam...tp kuatkn dr jgk coz i got class at 8..rp td msk class bg tips kat students tuk next test j...40 mnt j class... xlrt sgt..nk blk kampung x sbr nk ank sedare2 ku sekelian...pentg skali mak ayah..dan fmily yg lain..
erm ni gmb ank sedare yg plg lame aku xjumpe..afifah..aaa nk cium mulut die tue...nak ggit hdung die huhu geram..comel kn die...thn ni raye last aku dengan family sbg ank dare..huhu thn dpn raye dgn abg syg aku pulak..kalo skrg cium tgn mak ayah dulu pg2 raye..thn dpn cium tgn suami pulak..erm best;)huhu erm aaa skt bdn ku tp aku nk gak tulis...ukm cuti next week..tgl class ngajar bdk twintech ni jer...erm ptg ni mkn spe yer.....hmmmm nk mkn ape pun xde selere=(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
erm...yesterday,nuzul quran..when out to sogo @10..1 msg to my fiancee but he didint reply...mgkn die byk keje so i xmau kaco..so i just went out without telling him..whn i reach sogo he reply me..ana..so i just tell him whre i am..die terase sebb slalu bg tau kemane pegi tp smlm tup2 da kat sogo..erm kenapela saye x ckp j nk pegi sogo pg2 tu..xpyh tgg reply..but still i feel so sorry..i wan 2 apologize honey for wut happend..da dpt pengajarn pun semlm..benci keluar semalam...ramai gile org..time blk terlepas 2 komuter..ade negro2 suke ht tolak ktrg pijak kaki..nyampah...sedey siap org sebelah i kene pick pocket lg...erm...pas ni thn depn laks pegi..xsangguo lg=( but im hepi jugak..hehe got new polo wallet wt reasonable price...yg plg pntg..tjuan utame k sogo nk beli bday present for my fiancee....can wait 22 sept ni.....hope u like it syg...k i ve to stop now..got class @ukm 9am...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A big sigh o release...im feel real happy n free from master for a while..just finish last midterm..6 questions..out of 6 i jus confident on 5 ques..=( not too diff but still i forgot to look at the perpetuity part...erm pdn muke study memain..smlm smpt lg g alamanda..erm x nyesal pun..dpt kasut Sembonia lagi..=)tibe2 tkr mood jd hepy..after about 1 hour searching finally i found it..abg pny sandal pulak x dpt...=)jgn sedey nnt bday ana bg...'betul????erm betul...'xtipu...=)kla..penat la..yet no idea lagi..nak blk already 4.45...bye2....abg..tx for the shoes..love u=)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
a lazy monday..
salam....to be honest i really hate Monday..even though i just got 1 class to teach (3-5) today..intro. to finance...huh didn't prepare anything yet..my 2 days weekend was just spent for a real rest huhuhuhu...erm but thinking of this wed heee nuzul quran...got 1 more off...feel hepy n x sbr nk cuti lg...this mrng arrive early...open prof malek book but suddenly my eyes feel really heavy...wahhh im so sleepy..should i go back to sleep???..;) erm well we lecturers we can do anything... not like u guys officers..hehe we flexible as long as we attend the class n no complain from students....erm....hmmm i wanna stop now...wish me luck for my last mid exam tomorrow.....
Friday, September 12, 2008
hmm...finally its friday...bestnyer nk ct sbt n ahd..trasenyer kalo ct 2 hari ni..dulu kat legenda sabtu keje half day..blk umh tgk hisdustan pastu kejap j da ahad..pnt..
geramnyer...internet down plak..hmm nk kene tulis blk pulak...ermmm petang ni xdpt berbuke dgn abg..sedey..die ade jmputan buke puase plak..ermmm xpela..kalo jmp pun tkt gak nk kene byr htg 5 kali ni huhu..petang ni rase nk mkn sate hj samuri ngn ina..lps geram exam td..huh selase ade lg pulak=( nyampah master...nk mnum air kelape..nk mkn udang tempura yg ku buat sendiri tu..erm yummy..huhuhu krg pahale puase..aa letih ni ade org bg donut pulak..x thn bau...
geramnyer...internet down plak..hmm nk kene tulis blk pulak...ermmm petang ni xdpt berbuke dgn abg..sedey..die ade jmputan buke puase plak..ermmm xpela..kalo jmp pun tkt gak nk kene byr htg 5 kali ni huhu..petang ni rase nk mkn sate hj samuri ngn ina..lps geram exam td..huh selase ade lg pulak=( nyampah master...nk mnum air kelape..nk mkn udang tempura yg ku buat sendiri tu..erm yummy..huhuhu krg pahale puase..aa letih ni ade org bg donut pulak..x thn bau...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
for you...
it's been a long time since my last post..keep pushing by someone to write ere=)..for 'u' im so sorry for wut hppnd this week..lost o ticket parking..burn ur 25 ringgit just like that..luckily i didnt buy the Prima Vera handbag..=)i wan it so much but i'm trying not to use ur money again..u already spent a quite high % of ur salary for me..but still, last nite u spent me my fav mc chicken set...erm u spent again...for my beloved fiancee,if u read this i just wan u to know how much i love u..how much i earn u;)...n how much i wan u to be by my side for each min..each sec...hmm cpt kumpul duit syg..=) ....erm tgk2 sape mrjuk ni..sorry syg 4 uploading this..hehe xde hutang2 yer=p

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
hmm..bosannnnn sgt arini..td msk opis kul 8, kul 8.30 da chow g ukm..class ari ni pasal dual n simplex dual model..borink sgt nih..dala lense buat hal pg td..asyik gatal j mate..so xpakai lense..drive terpaksela kecikkn mate..msk kelas sln notes kat ina jer..hmmm bile la nk abis blajar ni..xsbr nk apply keje tempat lain yg lebih bgs..abis master j my aims are lkw n mmu hehe...sebeb????nape yer maybe coz pasni nk kawn n stay around putrjya..2nd dekat cket ngn abg syg aku wakakaka jgn mara kwn2...ntahla..mst rindu nnt live dgn kwn2..especially ngn ina k***t..opsss bkn yana yg ckp..ustz shahril yg kate..hehehe...k la..ari ni mud just ok jer..jap lg ade bday party celebration kat opis..hrp2 ape yg terjd sblm ni dilupekan saje..mari kiter pk yg baik2 sje..=p bub bye..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
hari ni rase mcm nk tls something..tp xkeluar pulak idea..ape2pun im hepi now selepas kesedihan semalam..=)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just started..hope can share everything here..nothing to say for the first blog..
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